Saturday 8 October 2011

Korean Mochi Bread

Korean mochi bread

(makes 9 bread buns)

250g (1 packet) mochi bread flour mix
1 egg
70ml water

- Mix flour, egg and water in a mixing bowl. Gather to form a soft dough.
- Divide dough into 8 ~ 10 equal portions. Shape into round balls.
- Place doughs on baking tray lined with parchment paper. Cover with cling wrap or a damp cloth, leave to rest for about 15mins.
- Spray the doughs with some water.
- Bake in preheated oven at 180degC for 30~35mins or until golden brown.
Note: These rolls taste best on the day they are made.

  • If you don't want a plain Mochi Bread, add Sesame Paste ( Thats my favourite) or Azuki Bean Paste. Even though THE Azuki Bean Paste is from Japan, it also tastes nice in the Korean Mochi and leaves a soft fluffy lingering in your mouth.

If you want a easy mix, go to Lotte Market and find this :

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